Hi Sonya,
I am a single happy female and every time I turn my mother, friends, grandmother and yes even my aunts; are on me to get married and have babies.  Sonya, how do I tell them I'm happily single and if I decide that I want to have a baby I can adopt or go the "frozen" pop route?
Signed: No hurry to baby up- British Columbia

Hello No Hurry,
Thank you for your question- This is and age old debate that has gone on for centuries believe it or not. I have so many friends, clients and family members that go through this exact same scenario day in and day out. It's funny family members and friends think they're being helpful but, in all honesty its undue pressure that they are heaping onto a person. Baby up, many times our families viewpoint stems from old world beliefs; that a woman is to settle down get married have babies and live the happily ever after. Now a days not so much, women are more career oriented, self-sufficient and darn good providers if I may say so myself. A lot of women don't want to "settle" they want to have the Mr. Right not the Mr. Right Now, where 2 years into the relationship (aka) marriage they're seeking a divorce or trying to stick it out for the sake of the kids.  

Here is the tricky part how do you get them to see things from your viewpoint? NEWS BREAKER: They will never get the point because, they want you to be happy and happiness in their eyes is you being married and strapped with children!! You have to stop buying into the pressure and let them know that no matter what, you're going to do you, and doing "you" right at this point and juncture in your life doesn't consist of a marriage mate nor 2.5 kids, nor the picket fence.  Yes your mother will be devastated at first but, when she sees how stable and strong you are regarding this matter she will back you and get your grandmother, aunts and friends behind your plan.  You have to handle this matter with great maturity and not allow your emotions to run the conversation when it get's to the breaking point, don't always feel you have to entertain the conversation or explain yourself a hundred times.

Being happily single is better than being unhappily married and under dourest day in and day out.  Keep your senses about you and once you choose your life course then you can let them be privy to things.   

No Hurry to Baby up, I hope this helps you and please write me again!

Would you like to ask me a question? Please feel free to email me at: [email protected] 

Sonya LaRae-Certified Lifestyle Coach

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DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: Whispers in a Bottle is dedicated to helping you with you everyday situations. The information in these post/articles are for personal and entertainment use and, all decisions are your own. Where as Sonya LaRae, Whispers in a Bottle, Lapazimageing Fashion Forward and LaPaz Image/Event Consultants  will not be held accountable for any such actions you take.

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12/31/2013 01:35:49 am

I LOVE this article!!! OMG, it felt like you was sitting at my table talking to me. I'm dealing with this currently, my mother every other week says how she'd love to have grandbabies (mind you she has 9grand and 2greatgrand).

Sonya, I love the way in which you say to handle this situation and that I don't have to be apologetic for MY choice. Thank you and I LOVE the site':-)

Alicia: Burbank California


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    Sonya LaRae

    Certified Lifestyle Coach dedicated to helping clients, readers and followers with Everyday issues that arise. Sonya has been privately helping clients now she is bringing her knowledge to a bigger and broader audience.

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    December 2013


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