Hello Sonya,
I'm 38 years old and I'm about to separate from my husband of 7 years. We're not divorcing but, we feel like we need to take a moment and re-evaluate our relationship. In the meantime, while we are apart I'm interested in reinventing myself and just bringing a better me to the table. Can you give me a few pointers?
Thank you, Signed Clarity-New York, NY

Hello Clarity, Thank you so much for sending in your question. You know so many times we as individuals need to step back and reassess where we are in our lives. Which brings you to the point of reinventing yourself and is it wise or a good thing to do? Reinvention is something that is good and can be beneficial for us as women. Here are a few tips to help you in your reinvention process:

1. Stop and Think: You need to sit down and write out exactly what you want to accomplish. You need to see what you'd like to have more of in your life and, what you want less of in your life. Meaning if you want to have more you time, you need to plan out how you want to take that time for yourself. Maybe you say you don't want that stress in your life, what do you need to eliminate so; that your stress level comes down and how can you cope with things that may arise. Having a good plan in place is a great beginning to the reinvention process 

2. Don't Sit and Wait: Meaning  don't say you want to change or reinvent yourself and then do nothing. You have to be proactive in your reinvention and, you must not sit and say well I'll start tomorrow. Remember the old adage "Never put off what you can do today for tomorrow." Procrastination is the poison that will lead to failure

3. Makeovers Don't Cost Much: Don't think you have to break the bank to reinvent your look or your style. Think about going to second time around stores because, they have some of the most fabulous things that are name brand and gently used if at all. You want to go to outlets they offer some of the latest styles and at a reasonable price. Don't forget to go for the bang for your bucks!!

4. Get Support: Many times your friends and family may feel it's not necessary for you to do this. Don't allow this to derail your reinvention. You have to keep focused and its not about them its about you. You need to have support so get with a mentor, coach, audio books or something that will keep you on track. The more support you have the better success you will have.

Clarity, its about you keeping your focus and doing what is good for you. I love that you want to reinvent yourself and that you see the need to do what is or, maybe good for yourself and the life of your marriage. If you all do decide to get back together and it may just spice up the relationship or if you chose to move on, you'll be ready to receive whatever new opportunity that maybe coming your way .

I look forward to hearing your feedback and I wish you so much success in your transformation/reinvention!

Sonya LaRae-Certified Lifestyle Coach

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DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: Whispers in a Bottle is dedicated to helping you with your everyday situations. The information in these post/articles are for personal and entertainment use and, all decisions are your own. Where as Sonya LaRae, Whispers in a Bottle, Lapazimageing Fashion Forward and LaPaz Image/Event Consultants  will not be held accountable for any such actions you take.

Photographs Used In Article: Google.com and LaPaz Image/Event Consultants 

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    Sonya LaRae

    Certified Lifestyle Coach dedicated to helping clients, readers and followers with Everyday issues that arise. Sonya has been privately helping clients now she is bringing her knowledge to a bigger and broader audience.

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    December 2013


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